
International Admissions

It's easy to apply as an international student. Let us help you on your way. If you have questions about the application process please听send us a message.

Before you Apply

Explore Our Programs

All Programs for International Students听(including non-PGWP-eligible)

Other programs

天美传媒 English Learning Adventures (CELA)
(short term ESL activity-based program)

Exchange Students Program
(to/from Partner Institutions only)

Visiting Students Program
(from any institution)

Understand Admission Requirements

General College Admission Requirements

Program Admission Requirements

English Proficiency Requirement

Other considerations

Estimate the costs听

Tuition and Fees

Living Expenses


Seek guidance and advice

颁辞苍迟补肠迟听International Admissions听迟辞:

  • Check the status of your application

  • Check听if听international seats听are available听(some听programs may have a waiting list)

  • Request a complimentary assessment of your听admission package听before you apply

  • Ask听other questions related to studying at 天美传媒 not covered in our
    Frequently Asked Questions Section
天美传媒 water fountain

International Admissions

A dedicated team is ready to answer your questions.